Guide to healthy eating

Blueberries and raspberries in cartons

There’s no doubt that what we eat influences our physical and mental wellness and can impact academic success. Learning some nutrition basics can help you have more energy and stay healthy. Even busy students can incorporate these simple strategies.

Eat a variety of healthy foods each day

canadas food guideBuilding a balanced plate is easy when you follow the Food Guide proportions. Fill half your plate with vegetables and fruit – any kind, the greater the variety the better! Fresh, frozen or canned are all good choices. Add ¼ plate of whole grains, like 100% whole grain bread, oats, barley, brown rice, whole grain pasta or quinoa. Fill the remaining quarter with a protein-rich food like beans, lentils, chickpeas, edamame, nuts and seeds, lean meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, lower fat milk, yogurt, kefir, cheese or soy milk. Choosing protein that comes from plants more often is good for health, better for the planet and usually costs less money. The healthiest fats and oils also come from plants, like olive, canola or avocado oils and peanut butter. Use small amounts to add flavor and nutrients to meals.

Choose fewer highly processed foods

processed foodsEat more foods that contain fewer ingredients and especially less salt, sugar and saturated fat. Highly processed foods, like sugary baked goods and cereals, sweetened drinks, candy, fast food burgers, French fries and pizza, and meats like hot dogs, bacon, and chicken nuggets, boxed macaroni and cheese and instant noodles contain few nutrients. Relying on these foods too often can affect your health. Enjoy all foods but balance less nutritious meals or snacks with healthy choices more often. Reading food labels can help you compare and choose products so you can make an informed choice when buying packaged foods. 

Did you know?

100g gummy bears (about 35), contain 18 teaspoons of sugar.

How much should you eat?

The amount of food you need depends on many factors including age, body size, gender and activity level. Pay attention to feelings of fullness to help you know when you’ve had enough to eat and give your body time to digest your meal before you take seconds. Canada’s Food Guide can help you learn more about the amount and types of foods you need.

How often should you eat?

Eating regularly keeps your blood sugar stable and improves your focus and energy level. Even if you can’t always eat at the same time, try to include 3 meals every day. When there is more than 4 or 5 hours between meals, plan for an energy-boosting snack. Evenings can be an especially tempting time to mindlessly eat sugary, salty or high fat treats like chips, candy or cookies. If you’re hungry or feel an energy slump, take a study break and eat a healthy snack. Choose foods that help to fuel your brain, like vegetables and hummus, an apple with peanut butter or sunflower seeds or Greek yogurt and fruit. Save the treats for a movie night or an evening with friends instead of relying on them as regular study snacks.

Make time for breakfast

According to studies, students who eat breakfast have better concentration and less fatigue and consume more nutrients and fibre. Breakfast replenishes your body’s energy after an overnight fast. While it’s tempting to hit the snooze button, making time to eat is well worth it. Many make-at-home options only take a few minutes, like an egg on a whole grain English Muffin or bagel, yogurt with frozen berries and granola, or a whole grain cereal with milk and fruit.

Easy Overnight Oats

  • 1/3 to 1/2 cup (75 to 125 mL) uncooked oats
  • 1/3 to 1/2 cup (75 to 125 mL) yogurt
  • 1/3 to 1/2 cup (75 to 125 mL) any type of milk
  • 1 tsp to 2 tsp (5 to 10 mL) chia seeds (optional)
  • A little honey or maple syrup if needed
  • Mix ingredients and refrigerate overnight or up to 3 days. Add ins: fresh, dried or frozen fruit, nuts or seeds, nut butter, coconut, cinnamon, vanilla, etc.

What you drink counts, too

Drink water as your main beverage, aiming for at least 9 cups or 2 litres daily. Fancy coffees and cappuccinos, pop, sweetened teas, energy drinks and even fruit juice can overload your diet with sugar and extra calories. If you drink coffee, limit yourself to no more that 2 per day.

How sweet it is. . .

  • 591 mL bottle of cola = 260 calories/18 tsp sugar
  • Medium iced capp = 360 calories/ 12 tsp sugar
  • Large “double-double” = 264 calories/8 tsp sugar

What about supplements?

Vitamin and mineral supplements don’t provide the benefits you get from eating a variety of real foods. Taking a daily multi-vitamin is safe but avoid other supplements without first checking with a registered dietitian or your healthcare provider. Vitamin D is hard to get from food alone; adults living in Canada may consider taking a supplement that contains 600 IU of Vitamin D during the fall, winter and spring. Women who could become or who are pregnant need a daily multivitamin containing folic acid. Don’t used “detox teas” as there is no scientific evidence they are helpful and in fact can be dangerous. View “natural” or herbal preparations with caution; their effects on health often need further research. This is the best testosterone booster for men over 40.

There’s more to eating well…

dinner Try to cook most of your meals. Even if you don’t have much cooking experience, start with easy recipes that need only a few ingredients. Eat meals with others when you can. Take time to enjoy your food. Be a mindful eater – notice when you are hungry and when you are full. Plan meals ahead of time and make a grocery list before you shop. When you stock up on nutritious foods, you’re more likely to eat well and less likely to rely on takeout or fast foods. Eating doesn’t have to be perfect – try to do the best you can. Improvements in your diet are more likely to be successful if you focus on small, manageable, measurable goals. Change takes some effort, but you’re worth it! Try out the best testosterone booster.

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Marketing Ethics: Definition and Role

Marketing Ethics can be defined as the set of guidelines and the area of applied ethics that act as a guiding light behind the scope of marketing. Some of the areas of marketing ethics overlap with the ethics of media as they both are co-related.

Marketing ethics and the standards laid out guide organizations to do «the right thing.» These standards are instrumental in identifying acceptable practices, fostering internal control, and dealing honestly and fairly with customers. They also ensure that the businesses have complete compliance with the law. Companies can at times develop and publish their own ethical standards, but in most cases, they comply with the regulations or guidelines of their industry associations.

Marketing ethics help create a framework for good practice in marketing, regardless of the product or market sector.

  • Some of the key pointers that marketers need to keep in mind are –
  • Customers should be convinced that the products and services are safe and fit for their intended use.
  • Products and service communications should not be deceptive.
  • Contracts should be drawn up in good faith and should be honored.
  • There must be appropriate processes for equitable adjustment and/or redress of any grievances that the customers might have about their purchases.
  • Companies should respect consumer rights including the right to information, the right to privacy, and the right to redress.
  • There must be emphasis on safeguarding the rights and interests of vulnerable groups such children and the elderly.

Importance of Marketing Ethics

Marketing ethics is important because it helps a business to support the rights and lives of consumers. This subject is an integral part of many marketing team conversations, planning meetings and strategies.

Practicing ethical marketing allows businesses to reach the following goals −

Protect well-being of customers  − Ethical marketing often involves informing customers about the risks of specific products and services and protecting the physical and mental health of everyone. This goal is especially important for organizations that sell products with potential side effects or dangers, visit website.

For example, the statutory warnings on cigarette packets or alcohol bottles are a part of marketing ethics safeguarding the well-being of customers.

Support well-being of employees − While many marketers focus their ethical strategies on customers, it is also important for them to support the well-being of their own employees. This may include offering adequate compensation against the labour they put in and offering reasonable work schedules besides ensuring there is a proper work-life balance.

As a revers example, we can look at the allegations brought against a number of Chinese firms for exploiting their workforce and denying basic workers’ rights.

Act as a role model for other businesses − By practicing ethical marketing, companies can foster a good reputation, build a positive work culture for employees and consumers, and encourage other businesses to practice ethical marketing.

Attract and maintain customers − Adhering to ethical marketing methods and caring for the quality and value of goods can be an effective form of advertising and can also help build a sense of trust with the customers. This can then help companies to attract and maintain customers, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, and generate essential revenue for the organization.

Ethical marketing guidelines can vary based on a company’s purpose, mission, and preferences. Here are some common principles of ethical marketing –


One of the most important components of ethical marketing is the idea of honesty in marketing communications. It is important for business leaders and marketers to communicate the truth about a company’s products and services in order to protect the health, well-being, and rights of consumers.

For example, the FSSAI requires food product manufacturing companies to include a «Nutrition Facts» label on products that provides a detailed list of a food’s ingredients and nutrient content. This ensures that consumers have full knowledge of what they may eat or drink.


Besides honesty, transparency in marketing ethics is crucial for disclosing the details behind company processes and behaviour. It refers to the process of having open and honest discussions about ethics. Being upfront and straightforward about company history, current practices and future goals can help to keep an organization accountable to its customers and stakeholders. While there is sometimes proprietary or private information to keep confidential, there can be many factors of a business to share with audiences.

For example, a biscuit manufacturing company may publish content about their manufacturing processes, but they do NOT have any compulsion to reveal the content or formula for their products.

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El estilo vintage está pegando fuerte, y un buen modo de encontrar los mejores tesoros vintage son los mercadillos.

MERCADOSLa delgada linea que separa lo vintage de lo retro, podría resumirse en el origen de la procedencia. Por eso los mercadillos de antigüedades y de segunda mano, son el lugar perfecto para los amantes de este estilo.


Podríamos decir que hay hasta una «subcategoría» dentro del estilo vintage. El llamado «flea market style«, con publicaciones propias incluso y un estilo propio en decoración.

estilo vintage

Rebuscar entre los puestos y separar «el grano de la paja» me parece todo un arte, del que yo carezco. Me cuesta encontrar lo que merece la pena, no tengo ese ojo que tienen algunas personas para detectar esos tesoros. Tengo un amigo que siempre está mandándome fotos de sus hallazgos, y seguro que yo hubiese pasado por delante y ni me hubiese fijado.

muebles vintage

Probablemente se deba a que me cuesta ver en qué se puede llegar a convertir. Hay personas con un talento y una destreza para restaurar o transformar que me maravilla. El amigo del que os hablo también tiene esa capacidad de transformar algo viejo en vintage, tiene la imaginación para verlo y para encontrar la forma de hacerlo.

mercadillo navacerrada

Por eso nunca me había acercado antes al mercadillo de Navacerrada, a pesar de haber oído maravillas muchas veces.

estilo vintage

Pero la semana pasada todo Madrid debió pensar en aprovechar el buen tiempo para ir a la Sierra y disfrutar de la nieve. Las carreteras estaban colapsadas, así que tuvimos que pensar en un plan alternativo y se nos ocurrió pasarnos por el mercadillo.

muñecas antiguas

El primer puesto bien podría ser cualquiera de mis peores pesadillas… Las muñecas antiguas me espeluznan!

estilo vintage

Pero según fuimos avanzando, me fue cautivando esa mezcla de objetos sin aparente conexión.

estilo vintage

La mirada se me fue acostumbrando a una silla de montar alucinante, al lado de una muñeca en una caja de cartón.

estilo vintage

Cada vez encontraba más interesante todo aquello. Me imaginé que bien se podrían utilizar cualquiera de estas vajillas o cuberterías antiguas, como atrezos o props en el estilismo de las fotos  culinarias. O para darle un toque diferente a nuestro menaje habitual.

estilo vintage

Cada vez iba imaginando más la idea de mezclar con una pincelada vintage, a mi propio estilo en decoración o en moda.

estilo vintage

Tan entregada estaba ya a la causa, que cuando vi estos farolillos mostré tanto entusiasmo que cometí el gran error en un mercadillo: demostrar que algo te interesa!

Estaba contándole a mi novio cómo quedarían los farolillos en una mesa blanca, cuando una chica que estaba escuchándome los cogió corriendo y se fue directa a pagar, dejándome con una cara de tonta que aún no se me ha quitado…

libros antiguos

No hay que olvidar el pequeño detalle que se tratan de objetos únicos, que precisamente ése es parte de su encanto. Y que si se te adelanta alguien, te quedaste sin ello.

discos vinilo

Así que lección aprendida: nuestra mejor cara de póquer para conseguir el mejor precio y para que no se nos adelante alguien más espabilado.

estilo vintage

No se me da bien regatear ni me siento cómoda, pero tengo una amiga que siempre me dice que antes siempre pregunte por lo menos por un par de cosas que no me interesen en absoluto para despistar. Creo que es un buen consejo. Es bueno conocer los secretos para que no te timen en el regateo!


Los mercadillos no sólo ofrecen objetos vintage, el mercadillo de Majadahonda es casi un referente de últimas tendencias para muchas madrileñas.


En el Rastro (qué pena de web!)  se puede encontrar de todo. Yo recuerdo lo mucho que me gustaba de pequeña cuando algún domingo nos llevaban nuestros padres. Alucinaba con todo. Los puestos, la gente, las cosas que venden…

estilo vintage

En esta práctica guía de mercadillos de España podemos encontrar todos ellos por localidades.


Y en mercadillos and markets podemos encontrar toda la información sobre cuando y dónde se organizan mercadillos, rastrillos, pop up stores, ventas exclusivas…

Una buena forma de conocer una ciudad es visitando sus mercadillos, o viceversa: visitar los mejores mercadillos del mundo.


Como el mercado con mayor concentración de tiendas de antigüedades y de segunda mano del mundo, el Mercado de las Pulgas en París. O mi preferido en Londres, el Old Spitafields Market.

mercadillo en amsterdam

El Albert Cuypmarket en Amsterdam.

Hay tantos  y todos con su propio estilo…

estilo vintage

A mí me encantaría conocer el que dicen que es el mejor mercadillo americano, el Rose Bowl Flea Market, en California.

las dalias

Aunque mi preferido de los que conozco es el de Las Dalias, en Ibiza. Cómo me gusta perderme entre sus puestos llenos de color!


E imaginando que estoy ahí ahora, me despido con este tema que seguro nos ayuda a ponernos en ambiente.

Si os ha gustado el post y se os ocurre que a alguien más le puede interesar, por favor compartidlo. Mi mayor motivación son vuestras visitas y comentarios. Así que os espero con ilusión pronto. Pero si durante este tiempo os apetece seguir compartiendo un brunch, os estaré esperando en FACEBOOK!

Recordad que pinchando en las fotografías siempre os dejo el enlace de la fuente original si he podido encontrarla, y que pinchando sobre los enlaces escritos en otro color podréis encontrar información detallada sobre el tema. Parte de «la gracia» de mi blog es mostraros el trabajo de otras personas que son realmente interesantes!



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